Hai everyone.. i just wrote down my blog to share to all of you what was i kept in my mind. Lately we are so sellfish and so rude to each other. I was wondered do us feel happy with our world situation?? ya.. maybe some of us were too happy and busy enjoying their life until we ignored situation around us.
As a muslim i was so sad about thing happened now. Most of people confused about ISLAM until they thought ISLAM is criminal religion. What was happened around is totally not ISLAM it individual!!. Its all about revenge and politics. I cant blame them. Maybe they have their own reason why there act like that. The fact is.. there is not even one relegion said we have to kill people and be rude to other to be good person. Every relegion teach us to be a good person. AM i right???
Deep inside my heart i was so sad about sept 11. I dont see them as american or christian... i look them as a people, as my brother n sister and i am very angry also upset to those people. I was so proud of my country MALAYSIA. Here, we are multi relegion. we have ISLAM, CHRISTIAN,BUDDHA,HINDU but we still respect each other. We celebrate all celebration no matter what relegion. I would say MALAYSIA one of the country has a lot of public holiday.. I enjoyed it. Along the road easy for you to find Mosque, Church or temple. What wrong with it? If u have respect in yourself that should be no problem. For me if u love your relegion so keep pray and be nice to other .
Dear all, dont we feel good when we walk as free person no matter what relegion or citizenship? I wanted to be that person. I am really hope that please dont ever think ISLAM is criminal relegion because it was not true!!!. What you see is just a drama and politics. It more to individual. I love this world and really hope we can enjoy it. Share it with smile. Love each other. Im sure we can make it. Dont judge books by its cover. That is what happened.
We live once so dont wasted it. Enjoy this world. Smile is the greatest thing God gave to us. So, make use of it. We dont have to use a lot of energy or lost a lot of money for one smile. We are not animal .. we are human with brain. Think of it.
I hope this blog will be read by all of us as a love letter to freedom world.
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